Education is the key e.V. 
Educational perspectives for children from small communities in Kenya

" Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world! "

- Nelson Mandela -

Welcome! Karibuni! Willkommen!Benvenuti!Bienvenue! Bienvenido! 

We are a multicultural group of friends who want to improve the poor conditions of schools and school children in Kenya together with you! Our goal as a non-profit association is the financial support of educational institutions in Kenya. This includes expanding already existing schools, as well as providing teaching materials and resources.


Everyone can help, wether through donation, membership or both!
Any Help is highly appreciated!

 " Education is the key to unlock the golden doors of freedom "

Every parent's dream is to give their child all the best for life. But for this to happen, among other things, children need a qualitative school education. It is an important tool for laying a stable foundation in the life of every child. 

The first 8 years of school in Kenya involve continuous costs for school equipment, teaching materials and examination fees. D
ue to their numerous financial obligations, many parents unfortunately can not afford those costs. From the 9th school year onwards, regular school fees are added. That's why many parents struggle to send their children to school regularly or even manage to send them in the first place.
Going to school is important, because schools help towards fighting against child labor.

Education is the most powerful tool that can be used to shape our future and our present together. For the younger generations, knowledge and communication skills are extremely necessary!

This is why we would like our association to help by providing children in Kenya with access to good quality education and ensure school attendance in a worthly atmosphere.

Education should have the society's focus on it, as it is defined in the UN Convention on Human Rights
(Art. 26 : "Everyone has the right to education"). In the end, the success of all our efforts will be measured in wether we achieve to provide equal access to education for all human beings.

Education accompanies children throughout their whole life,
it sprouts with them and remains, regardless of any circumstances.

Let's all join together and help children from poor, isolated villages in Kenya in a sustainable manner and make it possible for them to obtain good education, job prospectives and have a better life!
Education is the key they need to open their minds and enter a world full of opportunities!

Let's begin with the "Bahari ya Kati Primary School" in Bahari ya Kati which is a small remote village in  north-east Kenya, far away from major urban regions. The school urgently needs to be reconstructed and  structural improvements should be included as well. All the children from Bahari ya Kati deserve to learn and grow under much more humane circumstances. We hope to start the reconstruction process very soon and are therefore immensely grateful for any kind of support from you! 

Education is the Key e.V. would also like to support the work of women in this region by buying their handmade products. Among them are stylish colorful fabric bags and beautiful Massai bracelets. You'll find those in the "Shop" section!

The bags are crafted with traditional fabric by young tailors from the "Drehama" tribe.
Additionally, the Massai women craft very beautiful and colorful beaded jewelry with their hands, as they learned from their thousand-year-old tradition. The proceeds from the sale of these products will be used exclusively and entirely to finance the reconstruction of the "Bahari ya Kati Primay School"!

Apply for membership now and support our projects on a regular basis, resulting in only 24 EUR per year. That is only 2 EUR a month! 
You can also just donate an amount of choice, according to your possibilities!

"What we can do is only a drop in the ocean, but it gives meaning to our lives".
Albert Schweitzer -